Lyrics Alert

Saturday, January 19, 2019

January 19, 2019

Top 10 Best Indonesian Pop Music Songs (with MV!)

There are lot newcomers in Indonesian music industry who rose last year, how about 2019? We made a special list about the best and most popular Indonesian pop music songs in 2019. Let's see it:

How this list is generated: We researched some Indonesian music chart and picked some popular songs and put it in this list. Anyway, we also added some songs which released before 2019 that still

Friday, January 18, 2019

January 18, 2019

Ezu 黃奕儒 - Back to the day 倒轉 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Ezu 黃奕儒 feat. 八三夭阿璞  SpeXial 林子閎 - Back to the day 倒轉 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 黃奕儒 倒轉 歌詞

Singer: Ezu 黃奕儒 feat. 八三夭阿璞  SpeXial 林子閎
Album: Back to the day 倒轉
Title: 倒轉 (Dao Zhuan)
English Title: Back to the day

讓時間倒轉 讓時間倒轉
Ràng shíjiān dàozhuǎnràng shíjiān dàozhuǎn
huí dào wǒ yíshī de wèilái

céngjīng fàn nàme duō cuò
hòuhuǐ sōng kāi nǎi de shǒu
現在想要怎麼救 都沒救
January 18, 2019

Rima Zeidan 瑞瑪席丹 - Do You Even Know 你 知不知道 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Rima Zeidan 瑞瑪席丹 - Do You Even Know 你 知不知道 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 瑞瑪席丹 你 知不知道 歌詞

Singer: Rima Zeidan 瑞瑪席丹
Album: Do You Even Know 你 知不知道
Title: 你 知不知道 (Ni Zhi Bu Zhi Dao)
English Title: Do You Even Know

我們都在找 找什麼 什麼這麼重要
Wǒmen dōu zài zhǎo zhǎo shénme shénme zhème zhòngyào
我們都在等 等什麼 什麼這麼值得去等
wǒmen dōu zài děng děng shénme shénme zhème zhídé qù děng
我們都在追 追 追
wǒmen dōu zài zhuī zhuī zhuī
January 18, 2019

Richael 劉瑞琦 - Li Kai De Ji Kou 離開的藉口 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Richael 劉瑞琦 - Li Kai De Ji Kou 離開的藉口 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 劉瑞琦 離開的藉口 歌詞

Singer: Richael 劉瑞琦
Album: Li Kai De Ji Kou 離開的藉口
Title: Li Kai De Ji Kou 離開的藉口
English Title: The excuse for your leaving

熟悉的街 陌生了
Shúxī de jiē mòshēngle
安靜也算 熱鬧的
ānjìng yě suàn rènào de
誰比我沉默 誰比你幽默
shuí bǐ wǒ chénmò shuí bǐ nǐ yōumò
以為 這不是真的
yǐwéi zhè bùshì zhēn de

他們都說 夢是反的
tāmen dōu shuō mèng shì fǎn de
於是可以 想像了

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

January 16, 2019

Meeia Foo 符瓊音 - You Mei You Ren Xiang Ting 有沒有人想聽 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Meeia Foo 符瓊音 - You Mei You Ren Xiang Ting 有沒有人想聽 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 符瓊音 有沒有人想聽 歌詞

Singer: Meeia Foo 符瓊音
Album: Symbol
Title: You Mei You Ren Xiang Ting 有沒有人想聽
English Title:

當悲傷 颳成了漩渦
Dāng bēishāng guā chéngle xuánwō
當方向 失去了線索 打開耳朵
dāng fāngxiàng shīqùle xiànsuǒ dǎkāi ěrduǒ
把藍圖 畫上時間軸
bǎ lán túhuà shàng shíjiān zhóu
要撐過 誤解的黑夜 活成白晝
yào chēngguò wùjiě de hēiyè huó chéng báizhòu

聽謊言 搪塞沈默
January 16, 2019

Tiger Hu 胡彥斌 - Take Everything You Want 你要的全拿走 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Tiger Hu 胡彥斌 - Take Everything You Want 你要的全拿走 (Ni Yao De Quan Na Zou) Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 胡彥斌 你要的全拿走 歌詞

Singer: Tiger Hu 胡彥斌

Album: Take Everything You Want 你要的全拿走

Title: 你要的全拿走 (Ni Yao De Quan Na Zou)

English Title: Take Everything You Want

Lyrics / 歌詞 / Pinyin:

Kāitóu dōu shì nǐ zài wèn
jiéguǒ zǒng shì wǒ zài děng
shuōhuà liú zhuó fēncùn

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

January 15, 2019

A-Lin - Rainbow After the Rain 雨後彩虹 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

A-Lin - Rainbow After the Rain 雨後彩虹 (Yu Hou Cai Hong)  Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | A-Lin 雨後彩虹 歌詞

Singer: A-Lin
Album: Rainbow After the Rain 雨後彩虹
Title: 雨後彩虹 (Yu Hou Cai Hong)
English Title: Rainbow After the Rain

閉上眼 深呼吸 感受著
bì shàng yǎn shēnhūxī gǎnshòuzhe
kàn shì jiǎndān de téngtòng
記憶中 的午後 雨下著
jìyì zhōng de wǔhòu yǔ xiàzhe
rěn bù zhù lèiyi1 zhíliú
浩瀚宇宙 渺小的你我
hàohàn yǔzhòu
January 15, 2019

Amber An 安心亞 - Chillaxing 輕樂心 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Amber An 安心亞 - Chillaxing 輕樂心 (Qing Le Xin) Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 安心亞 輕樂心 歌詞

Singer: Amber An 安心亞
Album: Chillaxing 輕樂心
Title: 輕樂心 (Qing Le Xin)
English Title: Chillaxing

安啦 早就安啦 休息一下明天會更賣力
Ān la zǎo jiù ān la xiūxí yīxià míngtiān huì gèng màilì
Just chilling don't be too busy
心呀 我的心呀 有點卡卡的就重新開機
xīn ya wǒ de xīn ya yǒudiǎn kǎ kǎ de jiù chóngxīn kāijī
沒關係 擺脫那片烏雲 腳步變精靈
méiguānxì bǎituō nà

Monday, January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019

Ashin 阿信 - Half a Life 一半人生 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

A Shin 阿信 (Mayday 五月天) - Half a Life 一半人生  (Yi Ban Ren Sheng) Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 阿信 一半人生 歌詞

Singer: A Shin 阿信
Album: Half a Life 一半人生  / Official Theme Song of 飛馳人生 (Pegasus) Movie
Title: 一半人生 (Yi Ban Ren Sheng)
English Title: Half a Life

Zài mǒu gè qīngchén
huí wàng wǒ yī shēng
huó dé suī rènzhēn
què wéixiǎo rú chén

xiǎng yào chàng shǒu gē
qù chàng

Sunday, January 13, 2019

January 13, 2019

Wang Lee Hom 王力宏 2018 - 2019 Tour and Concert Dates

Greeting all Wang Lee Hom fans, do you looking for the latest Wang Lee Hom Tour and Concert Schedule in 2018 - 2019? Be happy! I have made it special for you. As we know, Wang Lee Hom just launched his latest world tour called "Descendants of the Dragon, 2060" to promote his latest album "A.I Love". Wang Leehom said that this tour theme will be same as his latest album, this tour will be "
January 13, 2019

Wu Wo 悟我 - Zhi Fou Zhi Fou 知否知否 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Wu Wo 悟我 / Hu Xia x Yisa Yu 胡夏  鬱可唯 - Zhi Fou Zhi Fou 知否知否 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 悟我 / 胡夏,鬱可唯 知否知否 歌詞

Singer: Wu Wo 悟我 / Hu Xia x Yisa Yu 胡夏  鬱可唯

Album: Zhi Fou Zhi Fou 知否知否

Title: Zhi Fou Zhi Fou 知否知否

English Title: 

Yī zhāo huā kāi bàng liǔ
xún xiāng wù mì tíng hóu
zòng yǐn zhāoxiá bànrì huī
fēngyǔzhe bù tòu

yīrèn gōng zhǎng xiāo shòu

Saturday, January 12, 2019

January 12, 2019

Fish Leong 梁靜茹 - Never Have I Ever 想都沒想過 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Fish Leong 梁靜茹 - Never Have I Ever 想都沒想過 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 梁靜茹 想都沒想過 歌詞

Singer: Fish Leong 梁靜茹
Album: Never Have I Ever 想都沒想過
Title: 想都沒想過 (Xiang Dou Mei Xiang Guo)
English Title: Never Have I Ever

想都沒想過 你看我的眼神 飄過
Xiǎng dōu méi xiǎngguò nǐ kàn wǒ de yǎnshén piāoguò
我記憶中 你的溫柔 好似棉花糖的 軟柔
wǒ jìyì zhōng nǐ de wēnróu hǎosì miánhuā táng de ruǎn róu

風一吹就凋落 空氣中的哀愁
fēng yī chuī jiù diāoluò

Friday, January 11, 2019

January 11, 2019

Lin Jun Cheng 林俊呈 - Dong Xi 東西 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin

Lin Jun Cheng 林俊呈 - Dong Xi 東西 Lyrics 歌詞 with Pinyin | 林俊呈 東西 歌詞

Singer: Lin Jun Cheng 林俊呈
Album: Dong Xi 東西
Title: Dong Xi 東西
English Title:

Shōu dào xūyào gǎnkuài huífù de xìnxī
nà jiù kǎolǜ kàn kàn shì bùshì yào huíyīng nǐ
rúguǒ shuō yǐhòu dōu bùyòng duì nǐ jiǎng kèqì
wǒ jiù děngzhe duì nǐ shuō yījù huānyíng guānglín

January 11, 2019

AAA - Warai Sugata Mugen 笑容無限 Lyrics 歌詞 with Romaji

AAA - Warai Sugata Mugen 笑容無限 Lyrics 歌詞 with Romaji | AAA 笑容無限 歌詞

Singer: AAA
Album: Warai Sugata Mugen 笑容無限
Title: Warai Sugata Mugen 笑容無限
English Title:

目覚まし時計 手さぐりで止める毎日に
mezamashi tokei tesaguri de tomeru mainichi ni
時々思う この先なにがあるのかな
tokidoki omou kono saki nani ga aru no ka na
sonna hi wa kesshite shita o mukanaide
mitsukedasō, yasashi-sa afuredasu

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 31, 2017

Zaalima Lyrics English Translation Raees

zaalima song lyrics english transltion moive raees

zalima song lyrics english transltaion moive raees~2017
lyrics wirtten by " amitabh bhattachrya
music comppoed by pritam, jam8 studios
singer of the song zalima : arijit singh ,harsheep kaur
music lable : zee music company...)

zaalima song lyria english transation 

Jo teri khatir tadpe pehle se hi
Kya usey tadpana o zaalima, o zaalima
Jo tere ishq mein behka pehle se hi
Kya usey behkana o zaalima, o zaalima (x2

One who is as of now wriggling for you 
Wy make it wriggle, o zaalima, o zaalima 
The person who is as of now deceived in your adoration 
Why deceive it o zaalima, o zaalima

Aankhen marhaba, baatein marhaba
Main sau martaba deewana huaa
Mera na raha jab se dil mera
Tere husn ka nishana hua

Eyes marhaba, talks marhaba 
I got inebriated hundred of times 
My heart is not mine 
I got focus of your excellence

Jiski har dhadkan tu ho
Aise dil ko kya dhadkana
O zaalima, o zalima..

Whose each heart-beat is you 
Why make such heart beat

Jo teri khatir tadpe pehle se hi
Kya usey tadpana o zaalima, o zaalima

Saanson mein teri nazdeeqiyon ka
Itrr tu ghol de, ghol de…
Main hi kyun ishq zaahir karun
Tu bhi kabhi bol de, bol de… (x2)

There are closeness of yours in breath 
You break up the aroma 
Why should I express my affection 
Indeed, even you say something, say something

Leke jaan hi jaayega meri
Qaatil har tera bahaana hua

You'll make me kick the bucket 
Each reason of yours got to be killer

Tujhse hi shuru
Tujhpe hi khatam
Mere pyaar ka fasaana hua

Begins from you 
Closes with you 
Story of my affection

Tu shamma hai toh yaad rakhna
Main bhi hoon parwaana
O zaalima, o zaalima..

You are fire then recollect 
I am a creepy crawly as well

Jo teri khatir tadpe pehle se hi
Kya usey tadpana o zaalima, o zaalima

Deedaar tera milne ke baad hi
Chhoote meri angdaayi
Tu hi bata de kyun zaalima main kehlayi

In the wake of seeing you on meeting 
My lethargy winds up 
You reveal to me why am I called zaalima

Kyun iss tarah se duniya jahan mein
Karta hai meri ruswayi
Tera qusoor aur zaalima main kehlayi

Why do you ruin me 
Like this on the planet 
It's your blame and I am called zalima

Deedaar tera milne ke baad hi
Chhoote meri angdaayi
Tu hi bata de kyun zaalima main kehlayi
Tu hi bata de kyun zaalima main kehlayi)
zaalima lyrics english transltion moive raees shah ruk khan mahira

Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017

Sara Zamana Lyrics English Translation

sara zamena-itam song moive kaabil~2017

Sara zamana song lyrics english translation moive kaabil
1980's exemplary melody is reproduced by Gourov-Roshin for the Hrithik Roshan and Yami Gautam starrer Kaabil. The Kaabil itam melody is picturised on Urvashi Rautela and she sizzles in it. The singer of this song by Payal Dev and Raftaar.)

Sara Zamana Song Lyrics English Transltion

Kisi ko mera shauq hai
Kisi ko mera hai nasha
Jawaani kehte hain mujhe
Hai mere aashiq har jagah

some are partial to me, 
some are dependent on me, 
I'm called youth, 
my significant others are there all over the place.

Kisi ko meri hasratein
Kisi ki main hoon dilruba
Mujhe paane ke vaaste maange duaa

some ache for me, 
for a few, I'm the dearest. 
some implore, to get me..

Sara zamana… haseeno ka deewana
Zamana kahe phir kyun
Bura hai dil lagana (x2)

the entire world, 
is wild about beauties, 
at that point why does the world say 
that it's terrible to fall in love

Saara zamaana…

RAA! Ladki ekdam right hai
Ladki dynamite hai
Ladki ke chakkar mein
Daily gali gali mein fight hai

the girl  is correct, 
the girl  is explosive, 
for the young lady, 
there is battle in each road.

Thoda humein do time yaara
Love nahi hai crime yaara
Har din mujhko better lage
Tu ladki hai ya wine

give us some time O dear, 
love isn't a wrongdoing, O dear, 
I discover you better ordinary, 
is it accurate to say that you are a girl or some wine?

Arey janta ko jawaab do
Kab padogi pyaar mein?
Saari duniya lagi huyi hai
Hum bhi hain kataar mein

answer people in general, 
at the point when might you become fall in love? 
the entire world is in the line, 
so am I.

Saara zamana
Haseeno ka deewana 

Saara zamaana…

Ye kaun keh raha hai
Tu aaj pyaar kar le
Jo kabhi bhi khatm
Woh aitbaar karle 

who here is letting me know, 
to become  fall in love today? 
the trust, which never leaves, 
to trust that way..

Kisi ko mera shauq hai
Kisi ko mera hai nasha
Jawaani kehte hain mujhe
Hai mere aashiq har jagah

Kisi ko meri hasratein
Kisi ki main hoon dilruba
Mujhe paane ke vaaste maange duaa

Saara zamana… haseeno ka deewana
Zamana kahe phir kyun
Bura hai dil lagana

Saara zamana..

Sunday, January 8, 2017

January 08, 2017

Kisi Se Pyar Ho Jaye Lyrics English Transltaion

kisi se pyar ho jaye lyrics english translation moive kaabil~2016

kisi se payr ho jaye lyrics english transltion moive kaabil 2016.
singer of this song is  : jubin nautiyal
lyriecs wirtten  song kisi sa pyar ho jaye : kumar
musice composed by : gourov roshin
music label compeny : t-sereis

Kisi Sa Pyar Ho Jaye lyrics English TranSlation

Zara zara si neend bhi
Ajnabi si ho gayi
Zara zara chain se
Dushmani si ho gayi

indeed, even a touch of rest 
has turned out to be more abnormal to me. 
gradually there has been 
a sort of enmity will with peace.

Tum mile ho gaya
Hai khud ka hi pata
Kya karoon, kya nahi
Kuch bas mein na raha

Having met you, I have lost 
my own address.. 
what do I do, and so forth, 
nothing is in my control now. 
how would I comprehend, in any event somebody disclose to me.

Samjhu kaise koi samjhaye..
Dil kya kare jab kisi se
Kisi ko pyaar ho jaye
Jaane kahan kab kisi ko
Kisi se pyar ho jaye

what can the heart do when 
somebody goes falls in love for somebody. 
nobody knows when 
one may go fall in love for somebody..

Ho.. oonchi oonchi diwaaron si
Iss duniya ki rasmein
Na kuch tere bas mein jaana
Na kuch mere bas mein

the traditions of this world 
resemble high dividers.. 
there is nothing in your control, O Dearest, 
nor anything in my control.

Tum mile ho gaya
Hai khud ka hi pata
Kya karoon, kya nahi
Kuch bas mein na raha

the way some cloud stops at a mountain, 
the way a wave takes birth in the ocean, 
a similar way eyes stop at a face.

Samjhu kaise koi samjhaye..
Dil kya kare jab kisi se
Kisi ko pyar ho jaaye
Jaane kahan kab kisi ko
Kisi se pyar ho jaaye

Jaise parbat pe ghata jhukti hai
Jaise sagar se lehar uthti hai
Aise kisi chehre pe nigaah rukti hai

the way some cloud stops at a mountain, 
the way a wave takes birth in the ocean, 
a similar way eyes stop at a face.

Rok nahi sakti nazron ko
Duniya bhar ki kasmein

the guarantees of the entire world 
can't stop the eyes.

Tum mile ho gaya
Hai khud ka hi pata
Kya karoon, kya nahi
Kuch bas mein na raha

Samjhu kaise koi samjhaye..

Dil kya kare jab kisi se
Kisi ko pyar ho jaye
Jaane kahan kab kisi ko
Kisi se pyar ho jaye
Kisi se pyar ho jaye
Kisi se pyar ho jaye..


Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 04, 2017

Kuch Din Lyrics English Translation

kuch din sa lyrics english transltion moive kaabil~2016

kuch din sa song lyrics video & english translation subtitle moive kaabil
lyrics written by : manoj muntashir
music composed by : rajesh rohan
 singer of song kuch din : jubin nautiyal
music label company : t-series

Kuch Din Lyrics English Tarnslation

Kuch din se mujhe
Teri aadat ho gayi hai (x2)
Kuch din se meri
Tu zaroorat ho gayi hai

for some days, 
I've turned out to be utilized to you. 
for some days, 
you have turned into my need

Tere labon se main hansu
Teri lehron mein bahu
Mujhko kasam lage agar
Tere bina main jiyun

I grin with your lips, 
I stream in your waves, 
give me a chance to be dead 
in the event that I live without you.

Kuch din se mujhe
Teri aadat ho gayi hai
Kuch din se meri
Tu zaroorat ho gayi hai

Tere labon se main hansu
Teri lehron mein bahu
Mujhko kasam lage agar
Tere bina main jiyun

Teri hawa mein hi udun
Main aaj kal, main aaj kal
Tere kadam se hi chalun
Main aaj kal, main aaj kal

I fly in your wind, 
nowadays, nowadays.. 
I stroll with your foot steps now, 
nowadays, nowadays.

Kuch bhi nahi mujhme mera
Jo bhi hai woh hai tera
there is nothing mine in me,
all that is there is yours.
Kuch din se mujhe
Teri aadat ho gayi hai

Aksar ata pata mera
Rehta nahin, rehta nahin
Koi nishaan mera kahin
Milta nahin, milta nahin

frequently, there is no thought 
where I am.. 
not an indication of mine, 
is there anyplace..

Dhoondha gaya jab bhi mujhe
Teri gali mein mila

at whatever point I was searched for, 
I was found in your road

Kuch din se mujhe
Teri aadat ho gayi hai
Kuch din se meri
Tu zaroorat ho gayi hai

Tere labon se main hansu
Teri lehron mein bahu
Mujhko kasam lage agar
Tere bina main jiyun

kuch din song lyrics video moive kaabil english translation

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 03, 2017

Kaabil Hoon Lyrics English Translation

kaabil hoon lyrics English translation moive kaabil~2017

kaabil hoon lyrics & english translation moive : kaabil 2017
singer of this song is jubin nautiyal, palak muchhal.
music composed by : rajesh roshan
 lyrics of song kaabil hoon written by : nasir faraaz

Kaabil Hoon Song Lyrics English Translation 

Tere mere sapne sabhi
Tere mere sapne sabhi
Band aankhon ke taale mein hain
Chaabi kahaan dhoondhe bata
Woh chaand ke pyaale mein hain
Phir bhi sapne kar dikhaun sach toh
Kehna bas yehi
Main tere Kaabil hoon ya
Tere Kaabil nahi (x2)

everything we could ever want, yours and mine, 
are there, secured in the eyes, 
let me know where to search for the keys, 
they are there in the measure of the moon, 
(the bow moon may resemble a container) 
sill, on the off chance that I make your fantasies work out as expected, 
simply let me know, 
whether I'm deserving of you, or not.

Tere mere sapne sabhi
Tere mere sapne sabhi
Band aankhon ke taale mein hain
Chaabi kahan dhoonde bata
Woh chand ke pyaale mein hain
Phir bhi sapne kar dikhaun sach toh
Kehna bas yehi

Main tere Kaabil hoon ya
Tere Kaabil nahi (x2)

Ye sharaaratein, ye mastiyaan
Apna yahi andaaz hai
Ho… samjhayein kya kaise kahein
Jeene ka haan isme raaz hai

these mischiefs, this good times, 
that is my style, 
how would I clarify, how to tell, 
that there is the mystery of life in this.

Dhadkan kahaan ye dhadakti hai
Dil mein teri aawaaz hai
Apni sab khushiyon ka ab toh
Ye aagaaz hai

my heart doesn't pulsate, 
it's your voice in my heart. 
this is the start 
of all our delights..

Tere mere sapne sabhi
Tere mere sapne sabhi
Band aankhon ke taale mein hain
Chaabi kahan dhoondhe bata
Woh chaand ke pyaale mein hain
Phir bhi sapne kar dikhaun sach toh
Kehna bas yehi

Main tere Kabil hoon yaa
Tere Kaabil nahi (x2)

Saagar ki ret pe dil ko jab
Ye banayengi meri ungliyan
Tere naam ko hi pukaar ke
Khannkengi meri choodiyan

at the point when my fingers make a heart 
on the sand close to a seashore, 
my bangles will jingle 
calling your name as it were..

Tujhme adaa aisi hai aaj
Udti hon jaise titliyan
Pheeki ab na hongi kabhi
Ye ranginiyaan

you today resemble, 
a few butterflies flying, 
presently this shading 
could never blur...

Tere mere sapne sabhi
Band aankhon ke taale mein hain
Chaabi kahaan dhoondhe bata
Woh chand ke pyaale mein hain
Phir bhi sapne kar dikhaaun sach toh
Kehna bas yehi

Main tere kabil hoon ya
Tere kaabil nahi…

kaabli hoon song lyrics english translation moive kaabil-hrithik roshan yami gutam

January 03, 2017

Wajah Tum ho All Songs Lyrics Videos ❤

moive wajah tum ho all songs lyrics engltranslation

❤Moive Wajah Tum Ho Songs Lyrics and Videos featuring Sana Khan, Sharman Joshi, Gurmeet Choudhary and Rajneesh Duggal. Wajah Tum Ho collection is formed by Mithoon, Meet Bros, Gourov Roshin, Komail Shayan and Abhijit Vaghani. T-Series holds the music rights.

Wajah Tum ho Songs lyrics & english translation 2016