Lyrics Alert

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Zapisan u tebi Boris Novković - Zapisan u tebi lyrics + English translation

Zapisan u tebi (English translation)

Zapisan u tebi lyrics
Svaki puta kada hodaš
Moje srce ritam navije
Svaki puta kada odeš
Meni tuga cestu savije

I kao program radija
Osjećam te na daljinu
Bit ću s tobom i kad nisam tu

Lagala bi sebi kad mi rekla ne bi
Da me voliš jer sam zapisan u tebi
Lagala bi sebi kada htjela ne bi
Da me imaš jer sam davno zapisan u tebi

Svaki puta kada hodaš
Moje srce ritam navije
Svaki puta kada odeš
Meni tuga cestu savije

I kao program radija
Osjećam te na daljinu
Bit ću s tobom i kad nisam tu
English translation
Written In You
Every time when you walk
my heart starts to beat (gets rhythm)
every time you leave
sorrow bends my road

And like radio program
I can remotely feel you
I'll be with you even when I'm not there

You'd be lying to yourself if you wouldn't tell me
that you love me because I am written in you
you'd be lying to yourself if you wouldn't want to
have me, because I've been written in you since long ago

Every time when you walk
my heart starts to beat (gets rhythm)
every time you leave
sorrow bends my road

And like radio program
I can remotely feel you
I'll be with you even when I'm not there

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